People all over the world are developing and remembering ways to live in cooperation with nature and each other. They are resisting further damage, restoring ecosystems, generating renewable resources, nurturing solidarity and building health, wholeness and resilience. The Lush Spring Prize supports and celebrates their work.

2019 Spring Prize knowledge sharing event Applications Open for the Fourth Lush Spring Prize

As a biennial £200,000 fund, the Spring Prize welcomes applications from any group working to regenerate environmental and/or social systems. Groups can apply in one of four categories:

Intentional Award – for great new ideas and projects up to 1 year old, to help build knowledge and a solid foundation from which to grow.

Young Award – for projects or organisations that are 1-5 years old, to help develop their environmental and social regeneration work.

Established Award – for organisations that have worked towards regeneration for 5+ years, to help share knowledge and inspire more people and ideas.

Influence Award – for local, national or international organisations and networks that have a core focus on campaigning or lobbying to influence policy, regulation or public opinion in support of regeneration.

The 2021 Spring Prize is also adding an option for groups to be nominated to apply.

In some contexts, it can be less culturally appropriate to put one’s own group forward for a prize. That’s why the Spring Prize is now welcoming others to nominate groups. Those groups will then be invited to fill in an application form.

People are invited to nominate groups from 5th February 2021 until 14th March 2021. Groups can apply to the Spring Prize from 5th February 2021 until 31st March 2021.