Manulife China Bank Life Assurance Corporation (MCBL), a bancassurance partnership, has launched AssureMax, a life insurance plan offering protection benefits and guaranteed returns for Filipinos to fund their children’s education, support businesses, provide comfortable retirement, and achieve other financial goals.

MCBL AssureMax, now available in 5- and 10-year payment terms, offers guaranteed life protection equal to 200% of the Face Amount; a guaranteed cash payout that is 10% of the Face Amount every two years starting at the end of their seventh year for the 5-year variant, and starting at the end of the 11th year for the 10-year variant; and a guaranteed maturity benefit that is equal to 100% of the Face Amount paid out at the end of the policy term. It comes with pre-selected or optional riders, such as accidental death benefits, payor’s benefits, hospital income benefits, and other non-guaranteed benefits.

“With high protection and guaranteed returns offered by AssureMax, we want to provide Filipinos a smarter way to save, wherever they may be in their life journey. AssureMax is designed for our customers who aim to save up to purchase a new home, finance their children’s education or prepare for their retirement while ensuring insurance coverage. AssureMax is also tailor-fit for those who simply want to grow their investments or diversify their financial portfolios so they can reach their life goals,” said Neil Bowyer, President, MCBL.

MCBL AssureMax is available in two basic plans: AssureMax 20 for ages 0-65 and AssureMax 65 for ages 0-45, with a benefit period of 20 years or up to age 65. 


To learn more about AssureMax, visit