Springtime in Japan is renowned for Sakura, or Cherry Blossoms, which attract visitors from around the world. However, Japan’s flowers extend beyond cherry blossoms, with plum blossoms in March and tulip fields in May. There are various flowers for every occasion, with each location offering unique experiences for visitors.

Spring has Sprung in Japan, and all over the country, there are flowers sprouting out of the ground, and the world is coming out of its hibernation. There is a certain magic to this time of year when the world is awash with vibrant colors and tantalizing scents. While Cherry Blossoms are still a big draw, there are many more flowers to check out!

Tonami Tulip Park Enjoy Japan's Spring Vibes with JNTO's Must-Visit Places

Photo from Japan National Tourism Organization

Tonami Tulip Park in Toyama Prefecture is famous for capturing stunning images of tulips blooming from April to May. The Valley of Flowers and observation deck are popular spots for taking photos. To reach the park from Tokyo, take the Hokuriku Shinkansen to Shin-Takaoka and then take a local train. The JR Johana Line to Tonami Station is the easiest way, taking about 15 minutes. Taxis and shuttles are also available for a fee.

Nishiyama Park Enjoy Japan's Spring Vibes with JNTO's Must-Visit Places

Nishiyama Park, a popular destination for cherry blossom enthusiasts, features a zoo with red pandas and is easily accessible to motorists. The park is near a roadside station and Sabae JR station, about a 15-minute walk from Sabae. The park also hosts a festival celebrating Japanese irises, which bloom before summer, with music, dancers, and cultural shows. Itako Station on the JR Kashima Line is located about 40 minutes from Narita.

Chichibu Hitsujiyama Park Enjoy Japan's Spring Vibes with JNTO's Must-Visit Places

Photo from Japan National Tourism Organization

Some parts of the world really are all sunshine and rainbows! With fields blanketed in shades of pink, shibazakura start their bloom in early May, and are laid out to form intricate patterns, composing the perfect swan song to Spring. The park also has patches of plums and tulips, with vendors selling souvenirs to take home. The best way to get there is through the hour and a half train ride from Ikebukuro to Seibu Chichibu station. From the station, the park is a 20-minute walk away.

Kawachi Fujien Wisteria Garden Enjoy Japan's Spring Vibes with JNTO's Must-Visit Places

Photo from Japan National Tourism Organization

The Wisteria tunnels in Fukuoka offer a magical spot for taking pictures and videos. The gardens, filled with soft-purple and white flowers, are a sight to behold. The garden is a 55-minute walk from Yahata Station or via taxi. Kawachi Fujien is particularly popular during Golden Week, so plan accordingly.

Don’t miss this incredible time to be in the land of endless discovery! Visit Japan in the spring and see the inspiration behind hundreds of pieces of artwork: the beautiful flowers that come up every spring!