In the digital age, your modem powers your internet, enabling streaming movies and remote work. However, it needs care to avoid overheating, leading to connectivity issues, performance degradation, and hardware failure. Globe At Home recommends five ways to keep your modem cool and efficient:

1. Place Your Modem in Open Areas

Ensure your modem is placed in a well-ventilated spot. Avoid confined spaces such as cabinets or drawers where airflow is restricted. Do not place items on top of or around your modem. Covering it with books, sheets of paper, or decorative items can block airflow and trap heat.

2. Keep It Away from Heat Sources

Position your modem away from heat-generating devices such as refrigerators and ovens. These appliances may raise the ambient temperature and affect your modem. Sunlight may significantly increase the temperature of your modem. Place it in a shaded area away from windows to prevent overheating.

3. Minimize Electrical Interference

Keep your modem from running electric appliances such as TVs, cordless phones, and personal computers. These devices can emit electromagnetic interference, which not only affects performance but can also contribute to heat buildup.

4. Stability and Placement

Ensure your modem is on a solid, level surface. Avoid soft or uneven surfaces that block vents or cause the modem to tip over.

5. Use the Original Adapter

Always use the original power adapter that came with your modem. It’s designed to deliver the correct voltage and current. Using a different adapter may lead to power fluctuations, increasing the risk of overheating.

Following these tips, you can protect your modem from overheating, ensuring it operates efficiently and maintains a stable internet connection. Take good care of your modem to avoid charges for device replacement in case of damage.

“The modem is the gateway to WiFi connection. We encourage our customers to care for it as they look after their mobile phones and other devices that keep them connected. Remembering the modem’s location is key in preventing unexpected disruptions,” said Abigail Cardino, VP for Broadband Business at Globe.

Remember, a properly placed modem is a safe modem. Check out this video for more tips on optimizing your internet setup and fixing connection issues. For more information about Globe, visit