Filipino-led businesses have shown their ingenuity that enabled them to thrive during the new normal. Despite the economic challenges, Filipino entrepreneurs and freelancers have succeeded in building and sustaining their businesses and their participation in the digital economy has been a major factor in this success.

As the country transitions to the post-pandemic new normal, entrepreneurs continue to strengthen their businesses by embracing digital transformation. From ensuring secure online payment transactions, to promoting their products and services and growing internationally, Filipinos now depend on digital technologies to turn their businesses into small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) that can compete in the global market.

Providing convenient payment options for customers

Businesses that offer a range of convenient, secure, and digital payment options using their preferred local method are often more preferred by global customers and clients. To help Filipinos participate and succeed in the global digital economy, financial services company Payoneer provides businesses with an easy, quick, secure, and affordable payment platform with no hidden fees. 

Securing financial transactions

Today, selling goods and services internationally requires trust and with Payoneer, there are over 5 million businesses across the world that use the platform. To ensure the security of the financial transactions of all SMBs customers and partners it serves, Payoneer makes sure that all payments processed are made through fully compliant, secure, and tightly audited payments that are regulated financial entities across the globe. Payoneer also operates under a robust, risk-based compliance program that addresses the regulatory requirements of each country that is involved in a cross-border payment.

Think global, Act Local

More than just a payment platform, Payoneer is the world’s go-to partner for digital commerce.  By simplifying payment for cross-border and managing the complexities of moving money, Payoneer allows SMBs to focus on their business and growth.

At Payoneer, we believe in the potential of our SMBs to go global. Through our solutions, we aim to help as many entrepreneurs and freelancers in the Philippines grow and expand across the globe,” added Warren.

SMBs of all stages can utilize Payoneer’s innovative tools, integrations, and customer service to do business transactions and grow their businesses anywhere in the world. Aside from providing mechanisms for cross-border payments, Payoneer offers a range of services including digital business management, working capital access, merchant services, tax solutions, and risk management. These digital commerce services streamline operations of businesses from 200 countries and territories, allowing them to focus on growing the business