The teaser PV of the original animation, “Kawagoe Boys Sing”, has been released!

This is a story that revolves around the boys’ choir club in an all boys school. Many unique characters show off their amazing skills of singing all kinds of songs.

The information about the TV Anime “Kawagoe Boys Sing”

The story of this original animations is set in a boys school in Kawagoe, Saitama prefecture, Japan. The unique characters in the boys only choir club sing all kinds of songs amazingly. This anime will be broadcasted as a TV Anime!
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“Sing in front of people, for me…”, I want to do it but I can’t. The former member of the choir, Dei Tenshi, has shut himself inside of “Danbocchi”, which is set in his house,  and has been quietly singing alone
The former orchestra conductor Haruo Hibiki suddenly appeared in front of Tenshi, who was having his normal school day routine. Tenshi’s ordinary everyday life went into total chaos after he met Haruo…!
Haruo was an up-and-coming conductor once, but he was kicked out of the orchestra because of his problematic nature. He was given an opportunity to come back to the orchestra again only if he can achieve certain conditions. The condition was to make a choir club to win the first prize of the “national boys choir competition” with a new set of boys from Kawagoe School. Tenshi and other boys were pushed to join the choir club due to the strong pressure, passion and ego from Haruo.

Haruo has a serious personality disorder, is childish, can’t read people, and can’t help but saying nasty things to others. The new members of the choir have a tough time dealing with Haruo, but they also start to be fascinated by Haruo’s coaching skills and are drawn into the world of choir.

After encountering the numerous strong opponents in the competition, how will Kawagoe School boys choir club succeed to be the no.1 at the competition?! The comedy with energetic youth with many soulful choir songs starts.

Director: Jun Matsumoto
Series Structure: Kawagoe School Literary Club
Draft of original character designs: Ebimo
Character Design: Haru Watanabe
Music: YUKI KANESAKA / Shin Rizumu / Junko Yokoyama
Sound Effect Director: Hiromi Kikuta
Sound Production: dugout
Animation Production: evg
Animation production collaboration: Telecom Animation Film
[ CAST ]
Tenshi Dei (danbocchi) : Shotaro Uzawa
Hiroshi Yazawa (Ei-chan) : Reio tsuchida
Shuji Shiratori (Tori-chan) : Yuki Obara
Kaito Kobashi (IT) : Nao Nakanishi
Shizuo Barato (Otome) : Makoto Kaneko
Jin Adachi: Subaru Kimura
Ko Hyuga: Yoji Ikuta
Shin Hyuga : Yuri Ise
Tomo Hakase (Hakase) : Shouta Hayama
Curtis Suzuki (Magic) : Kazumasa Fukagawa
Haruo Hibiki : Kazuyuki Okitsu