Watsons is launching Slay the Swarm: The Anti-Dengue Fashion Phenomenon, a health advocacy campaign to combat the increasing cases of dengue in the Philippines, a disease caused by the Aedes Aegypti mosquito.

From January to June, Quezon City reported 1,160 dengue cases from mosquitoes, a 14% increase from last year, while the country recorded 72,333 cases, indicating a growing concern.

Join Watsons in spotting the swarm of Aedes Aegypti buzzing their way to invade the Quezon Memorial Circle this August 27, 2023, Sunday from 9:00AM-4:00PM. Now more than ever, Watsons encourages you to take extra preventive measures against dengue. You can Slay the Swarm with their complete and wide-range of wellness essentials to help keep you safe and protected from the Aedes Aegypti. It’s time to boost your immunity – not only this rainy season, but all-year-round.

It will be a whole day of exploring brand booths, admiring art installations and witnessing performances like no other. Get to know more from Dirtbugsun, Tigerbalm, OFF!, Bite Block, Soffell, Bye Bye Fever and Salonpas and, of course: a Dengue Home Test Kit from MOHS Diagnostics to keep you ready! More freebies, games, vouchers and prizes await.