OPPO, a leading global technology company, has released its 2023 Sustainability Report, highlighting its progress and long-term sustainability plans. The company focuses on five key areas: virtuous innovation, environmental protection, ecosystem engagement, operation and compliance, and employee care. OPPO pledged to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, reducing emissions through renewable energy and energy efficiency. The company also prioritizes product lifecycle management, removing plastics from packaging, and recycling old smartphones. In 2023, 1.1 million devices were recycled through the Trade-In Service in the Chinese market.

As a corporate global citizen, OPPO also partners with communities, governments, non-profit organizations, research institutes, and its users worldwide to act on corporate social responsibility. In 2023, OPPO donated over RMB 23.21 million to education foundations and charity organizations to support environmental protection, youth empowerment, digital inclusion, and health and wellbeing initiatives. 

Over the past year, OPPO has continued to innovate and drive technology adoption in areas including AI, accessibility, and health. OPPO has filed over 101,000 patent applications globally, of which 91% are invention patents. According to data from the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), OPPO ranked 9th in the number of International Patent Treaty (PCT) applications in 2023, marking the fifth consecutive year OPPO has been in the global top 10. In December 2023, OPPO unveiled AndesGPT, its first self-trained large language model. It was soon followed by its official entry into the Era of AI Phones and its commitment to making AI Phone Accessible to Everyone. OPPO also strives to work with global entrepreneurs and technology professionals to shape the future of sustainability. Through launching the OPPO Inspiration Challenge, which called for innovative solutions under the “Inspiration for People” and “Inspiration for the Planet” categories, OPPO aims to bring these innovations to life. 

Through its vision of becoming a healthier and more sustainable company, OPPO will continue to use the power of technology and innovation to drive sustainable development, and ultimately build a better world with the joint-efforts of its partners and stakeholders. 

To learn more about OPPO’s sustainability journey, please read the 2023 OPPO Sustainability Report: https://www.oppo.com/content/dam/oppo/common/mkt/footer/2023-OPPO-Sustainability-Report-CN.pdf.